Our Military Life Blog

Color up life with BIC!

No one likes boring in life – so why use boring pens? I have a slight confession – I have a an addiction to colored pens! I love them! I use them for just about everything! From organizing the bills (yuck), to grocery lists, to do items, and calendar events. Each person has their own color, and really important things have a bold, bright, jump off the page at you bling. Of course, the most fun thing I have found to use them on are color books! Make those pictures pop off the page with these vibrant rainbows!

There are of course certain things that you are required to use black or blue for, such as government documents. But the rest of the time, let your creative side flow and bring on the color! Since we are headed into the holiday season, this is the best time to take advantage of this amazing deal and get yourself set for the large amounts of cards and thank you notes that are fixing to be headed our way!

As a teacher, I use a lot of red pens… A LOT! I think I can sometimes hear students crying as they get their papers back, dripping red ink. But I also home school my kids, so I tend to use different colors on their pages. Blues, greens and purples tend to make happier marks than something I would use for older students. As we work through our days, school schedules can arrive in a variety of colors. We try to make the days as easy going as we can, why not make them colorful too???

Head on over to your commissary and stock up on these quick drying beauties today!! You won’t want to miss out! How can you  add more color to your life??

