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The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The Rules – Week 4

The League of Pensioners is not quite ready to call it quits just yet. You would think that being in prison, and finding that it is not as much fun as they hoped it would be, might deter them from committing future crimes. All it does however, is fuel their desire to commit even better crimes, and keep from getting caught.

Brains and Martha have found a way to communicate while in separate prisons, through one of the clergymen who has been visiting the elderly members while they are incarcerated. But with their release from prison, they are taken back to Diamond House, where they are delighted to see that Katia has returned. The young woman is a delight, and makes life at the home much easier to bear. The pensioners are free to come and go as they please and they are pleased to have better food being served as well. But all good things cannot last forever, and soon Katia is gone again, replaced by the dreaded Nurse Barbara. But the elderly are not going to make Nurse Barbara’s job any easier. They are determined to keep their freedoms and they give her a run for her money.

The missing money from the ransom still bothers Martha, but when one of the residents of the home starts talking about her son loves her and has brought her millions, Martha gets suspicious. She sneaks into the room, and removing the cart discovers the missing half of the ransom money. Thinking quickly, she removes most of it, replacing it with newspaper, and returning it back to the residents room. Now they are ready to roll out the crime of the century.

With the police keeping tabs on them, they are working on their next target. One that will help them escape the country, and get away from Diamond House forever. Enlisting the help of Anders, Christina’s son, they begin to put their daring plan into action. But it turns out that they are being followed by more than just the police…

This week we are reading Chapters 57-75


  1. Martha is not done planning future crimes. Do you think they are getting over confident?
  2. Brains made some contacts in prison that could be a danger on the outside. Should he have been more careful?
  3. The police are sure the League of Pensioners are up to something, but the group seem to outwit them time and time again. Is there a different way they could have gone about getting information?
  4. Did you enjoy the book?

