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Financial Terms Everyone Should Know – Bull & Bear Markets

The economy is a cycle of periods of growth and contraction. The term bull market means that the market is in a period of rising prices. According to Forbes Magazine, there have been 12 bull markets since 1957, averaging 59 months, with the market gaining about 20%.

A bear market is the opposite. It is associated with a time of declining market conditions and typically loses about 20% of its value. There have also been 12 bear markets since 1956, each averaging about 13 months.

Forbes says, “Bull markets are fueled by a number of different factors, including economic growth, low interest rates, a strong labor market and high consumer confidence. Bull markets and bear markets have occurred with predictable regularity over the past century, and both are a normal part of a healthy economic cycle.”

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Charlie Marlow

With over 22 years of active-duty Air Force experience in military pay and travel entitlements, Charlie Marlow brings his extensive knowledge of military finance with his passion to help others reach their financial goals through common sense financial practices. Charlie holds a BS in Business Finance from Liberty University, is an Accredited Financial Counselor®, a Dave Ramsey trained Financial Coach, and co-founder, administrator, and frequent contributor to the Facebook group Military Money Matters. He still supports the Air Force and DoD as a contractor budget analyst at the Pentagon. When not writing or helping others create a personal financial plan, you can find him cycling around the National Capitol Region or enjoying classic TV shows.

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