Our Military Life Blog

Back to School Tax Free Shopping? Yes!

Several states are offering sales tax holidays in 2024, allowing consumers to purchase certain items without paying sales tax. Here are some of the states participating:

1. Arkansas: August 3–4 Clothing & Footwear ($100), Clothing accessories/cosmetics ($50), Electronic devices (no cap); School supplies, school art supplies, school instructional material (no cap).

2. Connecticut: August 18–24 Clothing and footwear ($100).

3. Florida: July 29–August 11 Computers ($1,500), Clothing ($100), School supplies ($50), Learning aids & jigsaw puzzles ($30). 
August 24–September 6 Disaster preparedness supplies
– September 1-7 Tools/tool-related equipment

4. Iowa: August 2-3 Clothing ($99.99 and less).

5. Maryland: August 11–17 Clothing and footwear ($100), Some backpacks (first $40 exempt from sales tax).

6. Massachusetts: August 10-11 Virtually all retail items for personal consumption ($2,500 or less).

7. Mississippi:  August 3– September 1 Firearms, ammunition, hunting supplies, and firearm safety equipment (excluding safes) (no cap).

8. Missouri: August 2-4 Clothing ($100), PCs and related hardware supplies ($1,500), Computer software ($350), Graphing calculators ($150), and School supplies ($50).

9. New Mexico: August 2-4 Bookbags, maps, and globes ($100), Clothing, footwear, and accessories ($100). Computers (including tablets and e-readers with computing functions) ($1,000), Computer-related supplies ($500), Calculators ($200), School supplies ($30) 

10. Ohio: July 30– August 8 Most tangible retail purchases (excludes motor watercraft and alcohol/tobacco/vape/marijuana) ($500).

11. Oklahoma: August 2-4 Clothing and footwear ($100).

12. South Carolina: August 2-4 Clothing and footwear (no cap), Computers, printers/printer supplies, and software (excluding business purchases and handheld phones) (no cap) School supplies (no cap), Select bed/bath products and related products (no cap).

13. Texas: August 9-11 Clothing and footwear ($100), School supplies and backpacks ($100).

14. Virginia: August 2-4 Clothing and footwear ($100), ENERGY STAR and WaterSense products ($2,500), Gas-powered chain saws ($350), Portable generators ($1,000), School supplies ($20), Emergency and hurricane preparedness items ($60).

15. West Virginia: August 2-5 Clothing and footwear ($125), Laptops and tablets ($500), School instructional materials ($20), School supplies ($50), and Sports equipment ($150).

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Charlie Marlow

With over 22 years of active-duty Air Force experience in military pay and travel entitlements, Charlie Marlow brings his extensive knowledge of military finance with his passion to help others reach their financial goals through common sense financial practices. Charlie holds a BS in Business Finance from Liberty University, is an Accredited Financial Counselor®, a Dave Ramsey trained Financial Coach, and co-founder, administrator, and frequent contributor to the Facebook group Military Money Matters. He still supports the Air Force and DoD as a contractor budget analyst at the Pentagon. When not writing or helping others create a personal financial plan, you can find him cycling around the National Capitol Region or enjoying classic TV shows.