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It’s Red Cross Month: Consider Donating Blood Today!

Are you familiar with the mission of the American Red Cross? They are widely known for assisting with relief efforts for hurricanes, home fires, wildfires, and floods. They assist with many other efforts as well; one important effort being blood services. Have you ever donated blood? If you are on the fence or feeling nervous about donating, I highly recommend you reconsider, as the donation of blood can literally save lives.

Why donating blood is beneficial?

Did you know that one donation of blood can save more than one life. There is such a high need for blood that, in just the United States, someone is in need of blood every 2 seconds. Blood cannot be manufactured; it can only come from volunteer donors. Your selfless act of donating blood can save a life.

How to donate blood?

If you are unsure of the process, there is no need to worry. Donating blood is very easy and it just got even easier because you are now able to schedule appointments online. There are also blood drives that take place on a regular basis. You can find your nearest blood drive or schedule an appointment by visiting the American Red Cross website. In fact, many installations have blood drives at different base locations to make it even easier for you to donate during the duty day!

Things to Know Before You Go

There are some important things you must be aware of prior to giving a donation, such as:

  • There may be a weight requirement
  • Most states require a donor to be at least 16 years of age
  • Donors must be in good health

There are several more eligibility items that you can check out at the American Red Cross website. Will you consider saving a life today?

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Lasonja Williams

Lasonja Williams is an Air Force Veteran with 21 years of experience in Logistics. She enjoys sharing information and finding new ways to help others. She is also a mom of two teenagers. She loves blogging, baking and spending time with her family.