This year has absolutely, positively FLOWN by! I cannot believe October is coming to an end. I can distinctly remember decorating my house last year for fall. I remember everything I baked and the conversations I held with family and friends. 2016 is creeping upon us, but luckily we still have a few major holidays to enjoy before we ring in the New Year.
The holiday season is right in front of us, and this is the time of year when people really jump into the spirit of giving. We give treats to all the little Halloween trick-or-treaters and give thanks on Thanksgiving for all that we have been blessed with along with all that we are grateful for. On Christmas we celebrate the time of giving. This giving can consist of giving gifts, acts of service or the gift of life we were given so many years ago through a tiny baby being born.
When I first started giving I honestly didn’t want to get rid of my stuff, but I saw what an impact it was and how it could potentially help others. My eyes were open for a greater cause, and since then I have come a very long way. I’ll give just about anything to anyone who needs it. This year I challenge you to give and pay it forward. Give your time to a church or soup kitchen. You can volunteer at a school or at the Red Cross. If you are iffy on volunteering your time at a place, then maybe you can volunteer your time at a friends house babysitting their children for a few hours or pet sitting.
Each year the Commissaries will have Coat Drive boxes out to donate your old coats. They also have premade bags you can buy for a few dollars that are given to a cause called Feed The Feds. Believe it or not, there are 100’s of military families in need. You can buy candy from the Commissary and donate it to churches or malls for their annual Trunk-Or-Treat events. What’s great about buying brands, like Hershey’s at the Commissary, there are always coupons available!
Let’s pay it forward and be kind to one another, help our neighbor (regardless of their situation) and really take the steps to make giving (or paying it forward) apart of our daily lives.
Other ways to give and pay it forward:
- Blood
- Toy Drives
- Coats/Clothes
- Volunteer at hospitals, group homes, churches, schools, etc.
- Give time for community clean-ups, park restorations or to your neighbors
- Buy food for the needy
- Babysitting or pet sitting
- Purchasing others’ dinner/food while eating out
- Donating breast milk
- Donations to charities
- Putting a little money toward someone’s groceries that may be standing behind you
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