This warmer weather brings lots of fun in the sun! The kids are itchin’ to play outside… farmer’s tans are beginning and wind-whipped chapped lips are starting to appear. Riding bikes, scooters and roller skating is exhausting though and I often have a handful of neighborhood kids resting inside my house any given weekend afternoon. Whadaya do with them until it’s time to kick them back out for more natural Vitamin D?? Make homemade kool-aid lip balm, of course!! And then you school them on how to care for their lips and the importance of keeping them moisturized and then brace yourself for the inevitable eye rolls because if you have pre-teens, you know all too well that they in fact already know everything.
This also makes a fun sleepover activity or birthday party craft when you have a handful of people over! All you need is:
- Petroleum jelly
- Kool-Aid® packets
- 5 gram plastic cosmetic container jars with lids (such as these here)
- Microwave-safe bowls and spoons for mixing/stirring
I researched and found the most common DIY lip balm was simply mixing a powdered drink packet with petroleum jelly and using it as is. The rough grains from the drink mix would drive me crazy though and I was curious if the flavor would be too concentrated that it’d taste gross as well. So I decided to melt my petroleum jelly down and dissolve the Kool-Aid® in it, which also creates a much nicer, solid, finished product rather than a whipped mix of gooey jelly just scooped into a container.
But first things first. You have to choose your Kool-Aid® flavors! When they are dissolved and mixed the color of the powder does change so be aware that grape Kool-Aid®, for example, turns out a grey-ish color. Our favorites were tropical punch that created a dark red/purple gloss and watermelon that created a light pink. But hey, orange or blue lip gloss would be cool, too!
Scoop a couple of tablespoons of petroleum jelly into a microwave safe bowl and heat in one minute increments until it is fully melted. BE CAREFUL as both the bowl and jelly will be HOT HOT HOT! Add a Kool-Aid® packet using as little or as much as you’d like to create the color you desire and stir well to dissolve. All of the flavored powder will not completely dissolve and there will be some grains that sink to the bottom of your bowl. This is fine.
Use a spoon and scoop from the TOP of the bowl to fill the plastic containers. This will leave the grains behind and your lip balm will be smoooooooth!
Set the containers aside and let them become solid again. Then share with your friends!
Super easy, right? And who doesn’t have Kool-Aid® and petroleum jelly laying around!? The lip balm containers, well, that may require a bit of planning ahead.
And, even if your kiddos think they know it all, a little reminder that this is NOT an edible product won’t hurt!
How did yours turn out? I’d love to hear about it!!
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