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Beer, Beer and more Beer, It’s Oktoberfest!

It is time for dirndls and lederhosens, Oktoberfest is here.

Woohoo…what a great time! Although it is called Oktoberfest the celebration starts in September and carries through till October. The Oktoberfest idea originated when King Ludwig 1 married Princess Therese. The citizens of Munich were invited to attend the celebrations of the royal wedding. And year after year the celebration continued on with modifications and additions.

Oktoberfest is an AWESOME, wonderful, adventurous time.

It is the world’s largest Volkfest originating in Munich, Bavaria,Germany.

Oktoberfest is a huge part of the Bavarian culture in Germany since 1810. Many other cities in Germany try to duplicate the fun of the Volkfest in their own city.

Although, large amounts of Oktoberfest beer is consumed at this fest many people go for the amusement rides,games and the traditional foods such as Hendl (roast chickens), Schweinebraten (roast pork), Haxn (grilled ham hock), Steckerlfisch (grilled fish on a stick), Wurstl (sausages) along with Brezen (pretzels) just to name a few. Families are encouraged to attend. It is an experience for ALL.


I lived in Germany for 3 years and the celebration was better and better for my family each year.

I encourage everyone to attend any type of Oktoberfest extravaganza. You will thoroughly enjoy yourself.

SO, check it out…see if your city is celebrating Oktoberfest!! GO NOW!


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