Did you see our post about a drive-in on our Facebook page inviting everyone to make a box car for a chance to win! Well we decided it would be fun to make one of our own and show you how super easy it is! And as always, I’ll give you options you can do to make it easier or super custom!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- A cardboard box
- scissors
- glue (we used my trusty hot glue gun/glue)
- washi tape of your choice
- bottle of spray paint (if you want to spray paint the box)
- construction paper
- items for lights (we used plastic bowls)
- plastic wrap
Optional items:
- gift wrapping paper
- stickers and/or embellishments
- any other item you would use for your car
- battery operated lights
- clear Chinet cups
Let’s get started!
I decided to keep two flaps of the box one for the wind shield and there other for the spoiler. Cut the other two off and discard. We then decided we’d spray paint the box. As you can tell I didn’t do a very good job. It was a light coat because I didn’t want to wait for it to dry. We are kinda impatient when it comes to cool stuff like this! Hence the pin striping the boy started doing!
I decided to round off the corners of the remaining box flaps. The boys were eager to get it pinstriped so he was busy adding stripes to his new ride. Since we wanted a wind shield on the car I carefully cut out the inside of one of the flaps. *Adults you’ll need to help with this step. I actually used an exacto knife, was easier than the scissors.* We wanted to add the effect of an actual windshield so we added plastic wrap! I used the glue gun. If you put down a line of glue then place the wrap down on the glue carefully. *Again adults please do this step to avoid injury. Careful not to let the glue gun touch the plastic wrap because it will burn a hole. Trust me on that! *
It looks super cute when you get it in place. Now it’s time to start dressing up your car. This is the most serious cutting you’ll do the rest can be done by the kids and you can use school grade glue too.
Using the washi tape of your choice outline the wind shield area to cover and cover any other area of the box that you want. Let the kids get creative here! Use washi tape or just give them crayons and markers! For the wheels I used a large lid and some cute paper. I did put four wheels on it. I now realize we should have added more pin striping on the sides.. We got more concerned with the front.
We thought we were done until we realized we needed some headlights! I ran to the pantry and pulled two cups. If you are like we are, we have tons of plastic bowls so this was a no-brainer. *Kids ask your parents before you go and get the good stuff!* I do have some battery operated lights that I wanted to add but a las I couldn’t find them. But I think these cups look pretty cute. As mentioned in the optional supplies you can pick up some Chinet brand cups at the commissary and use those! And dress up your car as much as you want.
What do you think? My son loves it!
I finished the car after they went to bed last night and that was the first thing he asked about today. “Mommy is the car ready?!” He hopped right in after he saw it!
Please share your Drive-In Box Car with us on social media! Tag us and use the #MMSCraft on the image. We’d love to see your creations!
Happy Crafting!
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