Are you ready for Easter? Me.. yes and no. The hubs has been TDY all week and it’s just been the boys and I. Fun stuff! So needless to say, this week instead of a craft I’m giving you the last minute easter egg filler ideas I’ll be using this weekend! Next week we will have a super cute idea to do with your left over plastic eggs. If you happen to have some plastic eggs laying around after Sunday, don’t throw them out just yet.
If you don’t use boiled eggs for your Easter egg hunt then you’ve got choices. Granted if you are short on time boiling the eggs could be faster.. but then you’ve got to decide how to cut your time decorating them. I’ve got you covered! Here’s a few ideas:
Add some ribbons to the eggs. Cute right?
- Washi tape
- Stickers
- Glue & Ribbon
You can also draw on the eggs and add googly eyes for an even more fun effect.
If you don’t have time to boil and decorate, but you do have time to fill! Here’s some easy ideas for what you can put into the plastic eggs!
Candy! It’s the easiest and the one everyone will enjoy.. so don’t forget to pick up some of these:
- Jellybeans!
- Individually wrapped candy
You have more choices if you don’t want to fill the eggs with sugary treats.

- Toy Soldier figures
- Coins or Dollar bills (if you have older children of course! Don’t let the littles get ahold of these eggs)
- Little toys (think shopkins)
- little brick figures (think LEGO)
Depending on the size of your eggs you could get really creative on what you put inside. Some of the jumbo eggs you could fit a thin pair of socks in. Ok so maybe they won’t be excited about socks.. but what about
- hairbows
- hair ties
- soft headbands
- Crayons & small pictures to color
- earrings
- plastic bracelets
- slap bracelets
If you get a chance to walk thru a same price store I bet you could find even more things to fill the eggs with. I hope I’ve given you some ideas you hadn’t thought of in your last minute plans for a wonderful Easter.
And if you don’t have time, just enjoy the day with your family. If your spouse is deployed or away I’ll be thinking about you all this weekend. I hope you are able to get together with another family and enjoy the day.
Happy Easter,