Our Military Life Blog

Where it All Began…Happy Birthday Army!

Happy 249th Birthday to the Army! On June 14th, 1775 the U.S. Army was founded by the Continental Congress. Congress authorized ten companies of expert riflemen to serve the U.S Colonies for one year. It was also at that time that Congress allowed for the founding of various branches inside of the Army. The initial date was the founding of the Infantry branch. Then a few days later Adjutant General Corp’s, Engineers, Finance and Quartermaster Corps. The craziest part about all of this is that this all happened before the United States of America was founded on July 4, 1776. 

For our country and me personally as a Military Spouse, the Army is where it all began! I have been a Military spouse for 16 years and it started when my fiancé enlisted in the Army in 2007. It’s crazy for me to look back at this journey now. I knew nothing about the Military and to be honest I still have a lot to learn. My spouse did 9 years of active duty Army and 3 years in the Army Reserve. During our time with the Army we PCS’d 5 times and my spouse did three deployments. Looking back at the time he was gone for training and deployments we spent about 4.5 of those 9 years apart! It really is the secret to a happy marriage :). 

Happy Birthday Army! Thank you for being the catalyst to this crazy life as a Military Spouse for me and also for creating the pathway to all these wonderful branches of service! Also, thank you to all those that have served, those that are currently serving, and also to those who are supporting our brave men and women as they serve this great country! 

For more stories about this crazy thing we call military life head on over to My Military Lifestyle

Cassi Anderson