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Military Care Packages

What Should You Include in Military Care Packages?

Military Care Packages

If you have a loved one that’s deployed, you’ve probably sent lots of care packages over the years, and you may be running out of ideas.  Here are some of the most common items that people send to their family and friends in the military:

  • Nonperishable food items – Not only should you ensure the items you send are nonperishable, but also that they’re not easily crushed during transit. Delicious foods that also transport well include beef jerky, energy bars, and canned tuna. Foods like instant ramen and potato chips unfortunately typically get crushed during transport.
  • Pictures – While it may seem old-fashioned, printed pictures never go out of style. Send your loved one of the latest pictures of your pets, children, and house projects to help them feel closer to home.
  • Entertainment – Books, crossword puzzles, word searches, and other easily transportable entertainments items are a great choice to send, especially if your loved one is deployed in a remote location.

Before sending your care package, you should familiarize yourself with what you can and cannot send to the region where they’re deployed. You should also take into account that your package could take weeks, or even over a month, to get to your loved one, so you want to be sure that things are packed properly.

Receive Discounts on Items to Include in Military Care Packages

A great place to purchase nonperishable foods and other items that you may want to include in your military care package is at your local commissary and exchange. To stay on top of the latest deals at these places and more, sign up for MyMilitarySavings.com. It’s completely free and only takes a couple moments!