I don’t know if I have mentioned before, but Zion is obsessed with snakes. Yes, that his current obsession (as we all know it changes every 6 months or so) so much so that he asked for a Ball Python for Christmas. Well, that was a big NO, from mom, but I am all for supporting his habit through watching shows, videos, and reading books. However, a live snake in my house is not something I am really ready to deal with. So speaking of Christmas, Zion really didn’t ask for anything. The only thing he told us he wanted was Legos. He isn’t really into toys. However, he does like to read, so we also got him some books. I really hope he continues to love reading because that isn’t a common favorite subject. Any time he ask if he can read us a book we stop what we are doing and listen to him. I think I mentioned before but he reads at a 2nd grade level now (he is only 5 and in kinder). Needless to say I am super proud of his academic accomplishments!
For Thanksgiving break we had visitors from Lackland AFB. This is the 2nd year that we have hosted trainees and we plan to continue the tradition in the future. It feels good opening our home to them and having them enjoy family time, even if it isn’t their blood related family. Zion of course came out said “hi” and then basically went to a room and watched his iPad. As much as I would like him to interact more, I don’t like to force it because he will shut down. I let him interact when he’s comfortable. He came out later and hung out, but kept saying that everyone was too loud. So after about 30min he was done and went back to his room to work on a puzzle. Whatever he feels comfortable with is what I allow him to do. When there is less people he is much more comfortable, and so he interacts more then. However, speaking of shutting down, an aggressive side of Zion came out a few weeks ago. We picked him and Amaiah up kind of late from my mom’s house and he was not happy. He was tired, I understand, but he was throwing things in the back of the car. I kept telling him to stop throwing things, and he was just crying and refusing. I hadn’t seen this side of Zion in a long time, and I am not sure what triggered it.
I ran my 3rd half marathon at the beginning of December and of course my little ones were there to support me! I love that Zion gets to see me doing what I love (running) and that he actually wants to workout with me and his dad. He had a few choices at the beginning of the school as to whether he wanted to play soccer or softball, be in karate, or join the math club. Well, our little smarty pants wanted to join the math club! He has had a tutor (a UTSA future teacher) that stayed after school with him every Tuesday and they played math games and learned about Native American culture and how they used math. He absolutely loves it!! His math buddy does amazing with him and so understanding. We are lucky that he got such a great individual to work with. Other then that we are preparing for Zion’s BFF to come into town when we start Christmas break. So next month’s blog will be filled with Zion and Rylan adventures!
Thank you so much for reading this month! Can you believe it, another year is gone. 2019 here we come and I look forward to it. I know from now until forever we are going to have our challenges with Zion. However, I look at all of the successes that we have had and that makes me hopeful for the future. I don’t know how Autism will affect Zion in the future, but what I do know is that my son is amazing, and he will ALWAYS be amazing. I will continue to strive for being a better mother for Zion and I will always be his number 1 advocate. My son has taught me so much and I look forward to continuing our journey and to learning as much as I can from him. Autism doesn’t define you Zion, it just gives you a unique kick!