Our Military Life Blog

Pain-Free Brushing with Sensodyne!

When you first meet someone, the eyes and the smile are the first things that are noticed. Your smile can be amazing – but if you are experiencing sensitivity when brushing, it is hard to want to take proper care of your teeth. When this happens, you need to add Sensodyne to your brushing routine.

I have been using Sensodyne for years. I refuse to use any other toothpaste. After talking to the dentist about my teeth and why they were so sensitive, he suggested trying it. It has been one of the best and easiest changes I have ever made! I now have my entire family using Sensodyne. I even found Sensodyne Whitening – so I can work on making my teeth whiter without losing the protection for my teeth.  

The best part? You don’t need a prescription for this! I buy mine at the commissary! This month, you are in for an even better treat. Right now, the twin packs are on sale, which means a better value – and more product for you! With these savings, you can swap out the toothpaste in every bathroom and still set some back for future use!

Check out the additional savings on our GSK page before heading to the commissary! Stock up and save at your commissary this month!
