Have you gone all out on your Halloween decorations? You saw my kitchen a couple weeks ago, it’s ready and going. The outdoors.. not so much. Well until this week that is! I put out some cute little mums.. I look now and think that I should get a few more.. They look really puny. I’m so excited to share this week’s craft with you all!
*We will be working with hot glue so adults please monitor your children around the hot glue gun*
My oldest son is all about recycling and I love it! This week’s craft is easy and you probably have these items in your home already! Here’s what you’ll need:
- Small black trash bag
- 16 Clean empty toilet rolls
- Black spray paint or any kind of paint to paint the rolls with.
- Fabric (it doesn’t have to be red but it’s a black widow sort of!
or none at all! Your choice! )
- Scissors
- Hot Glue & Glue Gun
- Tissue or newspaper to fill the black trash bag
- Small rubber band
You’re going to be super impressed on how easy it is to make this spider. I didn’t want to bore you with more pumpkins.. so spiders became my new muses!
We started by filling up the trash bag with tissue paper. Of course after I filled it up I saw a spooky black pumpkin.. but since we are moving on from pumpkins we transformed it into a spider. So if you’d like to make spooky pumpkins for your haunted yard, you’re welcome! Tie it off with the small rubber band.
The legs are super easy. Grab your toilet paper rolls and as you can see from the image above I put one roll into the other at a slight angle to give off the bent leg of a spider. Glue around to secure the two rolls together. After you are done putting the legs together take them outside and spray paint them or let the kids paint them with brushes. *Just note if you do hand paint them not to put too much paint on the rolls as this will make them too soft and they might not hold up the spider body.*
After the legs have dried you can glue them onto the trash bag spider body. As you can see by the image on the top left I lightly lined the top of the roll and we pushed into the spider. *If you use to much hot glue you can burn a hole into the bag.* If you want to make it a black widow like we did, grab your fabric and cut out the hourglass shape and glue onto of spider.
Pretty cute right? Then you can style it on your lawn or in your home! Funny thing we learned is that since the bag is filled with tissue paper it’s very light and while I was pushing down the fabric the little legs would move! Kind of creepy but hey isn’t that what it’s supposed to be?! You’ll get a kick out of it! I hope you enjoy this week’s craft. If you make it please share it with us using the #MMSCraft hash tag on social media!
Happy Crafting!
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