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MMS book club

Get Spooked in “Dracula” with the MMS Book Club

Good day, dear readers! Can you believe September crept in when we were not looking!? I am not entirely sure where it came from, but I most definitely was not prepared for it.

However, now that we are well underway, and getting adjusted to those school schedules, we are now in the getting closer to fall stage (and I am not ready for that either). But I am ready for more book time, and some cozy afternoons at the library. Since we moved, I have not gone in to get a library card, for either myself or the boys, and so that is something that we need to remedy soon.

This month, we are reading “The Witch of Willow Hall,” and I truly hope that you are all enjoying it! It is a fun read and something that I have  been having fun with.

As we move close to October though, its time to bring out what our October read is going to be! We are going to read “Dracula” by Bram Stocker. I am super excited about this one! I have wanted to read this for the longest time, and October is the perfect month to do so! Are you ready for a fabulous and amazing classic read!?

Grab this from your library now!

Dracula (excerpt from goodreads.com)

Count Dracula sleeps in a silent tomb beneath his desolate castle. His eyes are stony and his cheeks are deathly pale. But on his lips, there is a mocking smile-and a trickle of fresh blood. He has been dead for centuries, yet he may never die….Here begins the most celebrated vampire story in history, a tale of age-old evil that is forever new. With its haunting mix of suspense and horror, Bram Stoker’s Dracula is a novel of compelling power. Reader, be warned: Once you enter Castle Dracula, you might not escape its baleful spell-even after you close this book…

