Our Military Life Blog

How Does Shopping At The Commissary Compare To Other Stores?

Happy October!! It is hard to believe that we are moving into another month already! Fall is such a warm and cozy time of year!

Over the next couple of months, we are going to be asking some different questions pertaining to the commissary, and a few other areas. These questions – and your responses – allow us to see how YOU feel about your experiences. We value your feedback, and of course, want to be sure that we can share this feedback with those who are running the commissaries. By answering these questions, areas that are low can be flagged!

Be sure to check out the other questions on our survey site! We usually have a few open at a given time! You can view the survey page here: https://bit.ly/35fOurK

If we have not asked a question that you believe should be on our survey page, please drop an email to surveys@mymilitarysavings.com.

