Our Military Life Blog

Beautiful You and Baby Too!

Hey, there fellow mommies and daddies! I am a mommy myself, of three littles….well not so little anymore sadly 🙁 All three took me on a different adventure. I have an 11-year-old girl in middle school now and she, of course, is going through a “too cool for school” age. An 8-year-old girl who is as girly as can be but will climb a tree in that dress if it is an option, and a 4-year-old rainbow baby. He is my preemie, and I most definitely spoil him rotten, well they are all spoiled rotten but of course, the youngest always is haha!

Oh my premie baby, in the NICU for 3 weeks needing help breathing was probably one of the scariest times of my life. I was, for lack of a better term, paranoid. Scared to hold him, to feed him wrong, change him wrong….even though he’s my third baby. I mimicked everything the nurses did and everything they used….down to the last blanket. I wanted to protect my baby from everything that could go wrong. Having a preemie is so much different from a regular newborn. There are more concerns with germs, having the right medications, and so forth. For some, there is the need for medical equipment and the likelihood that that will come home with you for a little bit. There is so much to think about when having a preemie!

There are some things that do not require much thought though. The hospital used Johnson & Johnson! This gave me a sense of relief because I have always used their products with my other children, so adding it to my preemies’ regiment was perfect and comforting.

I miss them being itty bitty babies, all the super cute clothes, funny faces while trying new foods, falling asleep while eating, even diaper changes. Oh, em gee…what about the intoxicating baby smell!! There are so many things now available that I didn’t have when my oldest was a baby. So many new fancy teethers and seriously cuter clothes! I used to save any coupons I had too, babies are expensive so I saved any penny I could. NOW we have more options to save, there are tons of apps and email threads, so much easier than it was just 10 years ago.

If you are like me, with a world full of easy to use apps, it’s hard to pick which one works the best for me. I try a lot of apps before really settling down on my favorite. The Beauty and Baby Club app put all I wanted into one! Savings, news articles, points for both my babies and myself in one user-friendly app.

Head over to Beauty and Baby Club for information on downloading the app to your phone and start raking in the points today!
