Our Military Life Blog

Do You Like Living On Post?



I recently got asked “Do you think you’re going to like living on post because of all the rules you have to follow?”  I said, “Any where you live, no matter where you are and whether you own your own house or not there are always rules you have to follow.” 

Prior to this move we have lived off Post for about three years.  In those three years there were several times I had wished we lived on Post so we could be closer to the Post wide events, closer to my husband’s work so he could get home quicker and most importantly THE COMMISSARY! I go to the Commissary every week and sometimes twice a week so I’m going to be saving a ton on gas.

Post is great because we have a library, Commissary, Exchange, gas stations, places to eat, gyms, pools, bowling alley, dog park and The Event Center which has awesome events. They host dinner and a movie every Sunday for only $1 and sometimes they even do skating.  My daughter can be involved in gymnastics and ballet.  All these things take less than 10 minutes to get to so it is perfect for our family. There is literally a park right behind our house, we don’t have to mow our front lawn and we can have pets and not have to pay a pet deposit.

We’re only 2 days in with this whole living on post thing, but so far we love it!

Do you have a question for the Mil Spouse?  E-mail us at askthemilitaryspouse@mymilitarysavings.com


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