It is August, MMS Fans!!!! It’s back-to-school month! Can you believe it?! I know, I am already over loaded with all the to do lists and the to buy lists! August means the change of season and the upcoming holidays are around the corner! In 2 months, Halloween will be here, the next month – Thanksgiving, and then, the winter holidays! WHEW! I’m exhausted just thinking about it! It hasn’t happened and it’s already a blur. And with the colder temps (and those nasty back-to-school germs!), that can only mean one thing is inevitable – coming down with a cold.
The change of temperature and seasons can really take a toll on our bodies! Sore throats, coughs, stuffy noses and just all-around ickiness kicks in. Well, thankfully, Halls helps us get through the cold season with just a bit more ease and comfort
Halls comes at you this cold season with new products and flavors Made with REAL HONEY!!
- Honey Vanilla – Every day relief
- Honey Chamomile – Nighttime relief
For everyday soothing cough relief, Halls thinks of you! In our home, we love the Honey Vanilla, while helping our irritated throats, they are yummy and not that unsavory medicine taste that most cold medicines have. And, as an added bonus, Halls is on sale this month at your local Commissary! Click Here to check out the deals!
So, in all the hustle and bustle of back-to-school season, put Halls on your shopping list! Pick them up now before any cold hits and be prepared to soothe, even at night! Be ready this upcoming cold season with Halls in your corner!