Our Military Life Blog

Happy 1st Day of SUMMER!!

It is FINALLY here, the first day of summer.

School is out and we are SLEEPING in!!

What are your plans for the summer?

Often times as a military family PCS time is NOW, that is what my family is experiencing. So, not much relaxation for this household. But since we are departing Europe; we are having ONE last BANG of a summer vacation to Spain.

Whatever your plans are,make sure you get some relaxation time this summer.

As for my family,we are very busy throughout the school year so I like to relax with my family as much as I can.

Here are some great IDEAS for summer relaxation.


2. GO on Vacation (cruise it)

3. Go to beach or pool often

4. Have lots of SUMMER BBQs or picnics

5. Sleep in

6. Do some FUN family activities (camping, skiing,hiking)

7. Go on a ROAD trip

Lastly….ENJOY ALL!!

BE safe!!

CHECK OUT some TRAVEL options on http://www.mymilitarysavings.com/travel


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