Our Military Life Blog

Let’s Get Organized!

If you are like me, my home office has become a perpetual dumping ground. I am a Full-Time WFHM (Work From Home Mom), and my office has become total chaos! I throw the papers I intend to file, the mail I haven’t gone through yet, and store all the things I just don’t know what to do with in there. I am finally ready to tackle this mess!

I am focusing on making this space better for blogging, keeping kids occupied when I’m working, and a perfect space I can work in whenever an opportunity calls! So let’s get started!

Gather the Trash

I first like to start out by grabbing a trash bag and gathering all the trash I can find. If there are papers I am unsure of, I set one designated area for those to go through at a later time. Sometimes, this can be super quick and other times, it can take a lot of time. There are times where I let the mail just pile up for a week or more, and when I take the time to actually go through it all, there are usually just a handful of things I needed to actually keep! So, that is a great place to start purging & organizing!

Take It There Now

If there is anything that clearly does not belong in the office, I bring it to their designated room immediately. This may take more time now, but will help make more progress in the long run! It is amazing how this one small step can make big strides for getting that office space back in working order! Sometimes I use a carrying basket and make a trip around the house putting everything away!

Clear The Clutter

When you are clearing the clutter, you should be able to start seeing those horizontal surfaces again. Clear surfaces help to clear the mind! I don’t know about you, but I have nice looking furniture, so it looks great when those surfaces are no longer cluttered! Plus, the mental benefit from the organization is a plus! Wipe those surfaces down with your favorite cleaning wipe, and see it shine!

Organize Those Drawers

You do not need to go out and buy fancy drawer organizers. I bet you have some leftover boxes or other containers around that you can utilize. Get creative! However, if you are interested, there are some great options out there for not to much to help you get your drawer organization under control! I like the clear look for my organization, as you can see!


Remember those papers we set aside in the beginning? Well, now is the time to go through that pile of papers. Now that you have a clear surface to work on, go through those papers and either file or shred/purge as needed. Those papers have now disappeared from your desktop and you are ready to use this amazing space that you have created! Happy Organizing!

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A salty, seasoned Submariner Spouse who is living the Navy dream!