Our Military Life Blog

Scheduling time to read!

We schedule everything under the sun. Dinner, shopping times, vacations, gym time, doctors appointments, etc. Why not schedule some time for reading too? The number of adult readers has been in decline for the past ten years, as many of us just do not have the time to sit and read anymore. SAD!

There are so many benefits to reading, that it literally just takes MINUTES a day! Schedule 30-60 minutes of reading time, either in the morning or the evening, and enjoy some downtime before starting or ending your day. Personally, I enjoy reading before bed. Invariably, my one hour turns into “just one more chapter…crap, its 0300!” But like I said above, there are so many benefits to reading! Some of them are: mental stimulation, reducing stress, expansion of your vocabulary, knowledge, and improving your focus and writing skills! I mean, those are some great bonuses to reading through a few books right??

Genre options are almost limitless! Whether you want suspense, lighthearted, technical, educational, or young adult… there are books for everyone, no matter the age! Starting kids at an early age reading every day (the recommended time is 20 minutes) will help to increase their vocabulary. Children can be fickle when it comes to books, My youngest wants only books that deal with the Alamo or military, while my oldest likes to read the Bad Kitty books. He has recently decided he is going to start reading through Harry Potter, and so the first book is something that we are crawling through slowly. By reading out loud, they are not only working on comprehending the words on the page, but also learning new words. As a mom, I try and sneak some other books in  at times that I think they will enjoy. I have gotten out of the habit since we PCS’d, but bedtime is a great time to read as a family. Choosing a book to read out loud is fun, and it is also relaxing for them as they start calming down for bed. We have found some great classics that we have worked through. I even got them through Beowulf! While not really a kids book, my son was adamant that he was going to read it. So with some creative thinking and editing while I read it out loud, we worked through the book, and fielded questions as we read.

Finding those books that you want to read can get a little overwhelming sometimes. My bookcases at this point exceed my grandchildren’s life expectancy (and my kids are still elementary aged). Using a list option to keep track of what you have read and what you want to read it a great way to stay organized. There are several different options online, and using them is FREE and EASY!

Track your books, and you might be amazed at how much you can do in a year, at only an hour a day! Grab a small notebook and track your page counts and books read, and you will be astonished at what you can accomplish!


Happy Reading!
