Our Military Life Blog

So Long Sweet Summer

Well, it’s almost here…Summer is coming to an end.
Days are getting shorter and the nights are getting crisper.
Those magical bonfires we have every summer weekend are about to fade with the falling leaves.

However, we never let summer end without that one last epic family gathering. Typically, we would have a camp out in our backyard and make tons of S’mores. Everyone looks forward to this every year, but this year we decided to do something a little different. With our kids getting older, they enjoy being more independent and being a part of every activity. When it comes to S’mores making, they have a tough time understanding why we can’t touch marshmallows that just came out of the fire, or that you may have to wait a minute for the S’mores to cool before eating. Granted, even I have trouble remembering this at times and have a few moments of burning the roof of my mouth to prove it.

Also, my kids love the idea of S’mores, but not so much the idea of taking the time to roast a marshmallow to perfection and assemble the perfect stack. And don’t even get me started on the sticky gooey mess that is inevitable. Every bonfire is always cut short due to having to take a bath to get the marshmallow/chocolate off of their hair/face/arm/leg/etc.

So, this year we found the perfect alternative to the standard S’mores- S’mores Nachos. Last weekend it was particularly rainy and we could not have our typical Friday night bonfire. So, I broke out this recipe and they have been asking for them every night since. These ‘nachos’ are so simple to make, and I even let each kid add their favorite variety of chocolate candy to customize their own portion of ‘nachos’. The best part is there was virtually no mess, minus a few sticky fingers and chocolate mustaches.

S’mores Nachos

Prep time: 10 min Total time: 10 min Servings: Makes 6 servings, 6 topped graham pieces each.


  • 9 HONEY MAID Honey Grahams, quartered
  • 2 milk chocolate bars (1.55 oz. each), chopped
  • 1 cup miniature marshmallows


  • Heat oven to 350°F.
  • Place graham pieces, with sides touching, in single layer on parchment-covered baking sheet; top with chocolate and marshmallows.
  • Bake 4 to 5 min. or until marshmallows are puffed and lightly toasted.
  • Remove from oven.
  • Let stand 2 min. before serving.

I hope you get a chance to test out the S’mores Nachos before summer’s end. You won’t regret it. Be sure to comment below and show me a picture of you and your family enjoying this delicious recipe!

So, head on over to your local Commissary and grab your ingredients for S’mores Nachos today!

Find Out More with MyMilitarySavings.com and Recipes!


A salty, seasoned Submariner Spouse who is living the Navy dream!