Our Military Life Blog

A Walk To Remember

So we completed the 2.5 mile walk for the Autism Walk! Zion had such an amazing time and at the end, we let him cross the finish line before us and I just cried my little eyes out! Seeing my son so happy and supported by so many people is the most amazing feeling ever!! This time allowed me to look past the meltdowns, past the social awkwardness, and past the fear that I harbor inside about how Zion is going to grow up. However, like I said, it also showed us how big our support system has branched out! From family to friends, we had a great team out there walking with us! Not to mention we pretty much had the coolest shirts around thanks to my friend Leia and her talent and ability to bring such a great design to life on the team shirts. Zion’s team was also in the top 10 for fundraising!

I try my best to be strong on the outside. I am crying as I type this because I do fear the unknown. Is Zion going to get picked on for his stimming or his lack of response to social cues? Is he going to find his soulmate and get married? Have kids? I know, I know, he’s only 4, but let’s be honest, with nuerotypical children, these aren’t things we really think about because we usually assume they will happen somewhere down the line. For example, I don’t have these fears for Amaiah. I know she’s going to grow up and she will certainly be a super tough and strong willed woman, but I know she will be successful in her life. I know this probably sounds crazy, but it is something I think about often. However, regardless of the future, I will continue to look at my son and know that he is an amazing human being.


Halloween is coming up and Zion is pretty excited about that he. He has decided to be a ninja this year. I was trying to push something cool, but hey, he picked ninja so that is what we went with. He also got a hold of a toy catalog and was pointing out things he wanted for Christmas. I told him “before we get new toys what do we need to do?” and he told me “give away my other toys to kids that don’t have toys”. I was so proud at that moment! I want both of our kids to understand that money isn’t unlimited and that they are both fortunate to have the things they do. I actually love the holiday season because of the food, the smells, and I love the decorations! I am really excited!

That is all for this week. I hope you enjoy all the great pictures I have for you and especially the video of our awesome dude crossing the finish line! Thank you all for your support. We truly appreciate it!