Our Military Life Blog

Gain A Confident Smile With Sensodyne

Putting your best foot forward starts with a confident smile. There are many things that go into putting the best smile forward. With great teeth, they should also feel good too. If you suffer from pain from sensitive teeth or gums, then you need to try Sensodyne.

I have suffered with sensitive teeth for a long time. My dentist recommended that I try Sensodyne, as it was a great way to help combat sensitive teeth. I have been using it for five years with great results! Here are a few things to keep in mind when using Sensodyne:

  1. Do not rinse your mouth with water after brushing – it removes the coating that your teeth need
  2. No eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes after brushing
  3. Use this at least twice per day – morning and night
  4. Allow a couple of weeks for full benefits to be present

Sensodyne toothpaste is a game changer! This month, there is a digital coupon for a $1.00 savings! Don’t forget to grab your coupon before heading to the commissary. Try Sensodyne today, and gain that confident smile with no pain! Visit the GSK page today for more information.
