Our Military Life Blog

Autumn Art – Kiddie Style!

Who can resist those itty bitty hand and footprints!? If you’ve been following my craft blogs you know that I absolutely adore these little keepsakes. Whether it’s your child, your grandchild, niece or nephew, someone that you babysit, or any kiddo near and dear to your heart… those hands and feet will never be as small again as they are now. So capture it! Keep it! Love it!

In the spirit of all things autumn… I was inspired by RootAndBlossom to create this delicate little hand print leaf and this dainty pumpkin footprint. In the original blog, this craft was made into a banner with twine and clothes pins. I think that is a fantastic idea, and I plan on sitting my little one down to make a few more of these beauties with me so I can do just that with different fall-colored paper!! 🍂

All I needed was:

  • Yellow and orange construction paper
  • Red and orange paint
  • Brown and green markers
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush


Step 1) Paint those hands and feet and stamp ’em on your paper! I used orange for the foot (which will be a pumpkin) and red for the hand (which will be an autumn leaf).


Step 2) With a brown marker, add a stem and the veins to your “leaf.”


Step 3) With the brown marker, trace the outside of your pumpkin and add a few groove marks. With the green marker, add a vine and some leaves!


Step 4) Cut your prints out in the general shape of a leaf and pumpkin. This would also be a great time to laminate them if you’d like! Don’t forget to add the child’s name and date to the back! 🙂


This craft is simple, fun, kid-friendly, and festive for the fall season!

“If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then Autumn would be the magic hour.” – Victoria Erickson


For more hand and footprint art, check out my other craft blogs:

Birdie and Owl Prints

Flipflop Prints

3D Hand Print

Valentine’s Hand Print Tree

Back to School Footprint

Visit MyMilitarySavings.com for other fun, family projects!
