So as my video noted we have been cleared of the Autism Spectrum Disorder for now. However, it has been suggested that Zion be retested in about 6 months to 1 year. She said that because he is so young there is a chance he can grow out of these things or they could get worse as he ages due to more social responsibility. He has very strong Sensory Processing Disorder characteristics but since this isn’t a “diagnosis” she is strongly recommending Occupational Therapy. Hopefully these evaluations (OT and Speech) can occur soon so he can get the services that are needed.
Our trip to San Antonio was good. We spent a lot of time with family and I am so glad I was able to be with my them to lay my grandpa to rest. Zion played outside, ate tacos, and spent tons of time following around his Nani and Popo and cousin Darian.
I have nothing to report from his playgroup or therapy because we weren’t here for them.
Thank you for reading!! Questions, comments, feedback: and see you next week!!
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