It’s cold season folks!! That’s right, the weather has shifted, we are beginning to get a bit chillier, and what does that mean for a lot of us?? COLD and FLU season. BUT WAIT! The holidays are coming up! That is the worst, to be sick especially during the holidays. My favorite is Christmas but imagine trying to go trick or treating, or make your Thanksgiving meal feeling miserable. Seriously, the worst!
We have our ways to cope with being sick, laying in bed, soup, binging some tv shows, but this month, at your local Army and Air Force Exchange (AAFES) there is a HOT HOT HOT deal to help with those pesky fall time blues.
TYLONEL Cold and Flu is 20% off from Oct 5th to Nov 1st! That’s right, it is stock up time! Whether you are down for the count today or want to get a jump on this season and prepare, NOW is the time to go and buy!
Colds hurt, stop the pain with Tylonel Cold and Flu.
There are so many options to target your exact cold.
Children’s Cough and Sore Throat
Children’s Cold and Runny Nose
Children’s Cold and Flu
Cold and Flu Severe Day/Night
Cold and Flu
Daytime or Night
Cold and Head Severe
Cold and Flu season may try and take us down but with Tylonel by our side, we are back to normal and enjoying the fall/winter season in no time!
For more fabulous deals with Johnson and Johnson at your local AAFES or NEX, visit us over at