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Indian in the Cupboard – Week 1

Omri is like any other kid. He enjoys playing with his toy Indians, cowboys and soldiers. But when his friend Patrick gives him a new plastic Indian for his birthday, he is disappointed. But then his brother gives him an old cabinet he found, and with a key from his mother’s box, magic is about to begin.

When Omri wakes up in the morning, he hears noises coming from his cupboard, and to his surprise, the Indian is alive!! No longer plastic, Little Bear is demanding food, a home, and more. What is Omri to do? He can’t tell anyone about his little friend, as they would not believe him, but secret keeping is not the best attribute he has.

Omri has determined to keep his secret, and will go to any lengths to keep it. But will Patrick ruin his secret?

This week we are reading Chapters 1-4:


1. Omri has a great birthday, but the cupboard is his favorite gift. What has your favorite birthday gift been?

2. If you had a toy come to life, which toy would you choose?



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